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How to Deliver a “Knock Out Punch” to the Virus Now!

In a battle, there are many strategies put into motion. Taken together the goal is to defeat the enemy!

The current efforts by President Trump and his team - Vice President Pence and the task force have been nothing short of remarkable!

Our Congress and the Senate have taken decisive action in passing the CARES act to provide extremely needed help in getting through this time!

Our President has now begun to carefully open America up again for business! He knows our economy is very important as well as the need to save lives and defeat this pandemic!

His goal in all these actions seems very clear to those who can see. It has been to provide the needed assistance and in addition to stimulate the private sector to step up with the innovation to provide solutions desperately needed to defeat this awful scourge!

Many companies have met this challenge in providing testing, PPE items and other services. The American spirit to meet a challenge head-on in a time of crisis has been displayed under very capable leadership of our President, his team and other leaders. This innovation and initiative is still needed desperately to get through this and to defeat the virus!

Our leaders, as great as they are right now cannot do it themselves! Knowing this, and knowing the spirit and drive of American innovation in times like these, they encourage and depend upon the men and women in America to join in the battle at all levels in helping to provide solutions to this ongoing battle! Many lives and many jobs are at stake here!

One such individual who wants very much to help in this battle is Dr. Robert Epstein. He has recently been interviewed by people in the news who share his concern and desire to help save lives and jobs. He is a man who has observed an additional strategy that together with what has been done already might help to quickly bring us “out of the woods”.

Dr. Robert Epstein, is a Researcher for American Institute for Behavorial Research and Technology. He, in conjunction with the a committee from the Heritage Foundation and others shares with us here how this has already been done on a small scale and how we might be able to accomplish this on a large scale!

A well researched recommendation has been developed and now shared

* * * Very Important Video * * *

Dr. Epstein speaks with Glenn Beck March 30, 2020

Please click on the following link to view the video online:

Test EVERY American to IMMEDIATELY stop virus: Learning from Italy to fight coronavirus pandemic

Links to more detailed explanations of the proposal by Dr. Epstein

Dr. Epstein spoke with Tucker Carlson April 13, 2020 on – Tucker Carlson Tonight

* * * If you are subscribed to any of these services for Fox News or Fox Nation you can listen to Tucker Carlson’s interview here * * *

(This is the Tucker Carlson Tonight show from 4/13/2020 - the full program with the segment of Dr. Epstein starting point is at 26 minutes into the broadcast)

If these resonate with you then you might want to share them with all your contacts on social media and elsewhere to help it get traction and become implemented.

As everyone knows, many people have been getting sick and dying and 10’s of millions of people have been out of work! This is a very serious sitution worldwide!

Dr Epstein thinks he may have come across a better approach to the pandemic that has killed many and put millions of people out of work.

What it Would Take

As Dr Epstein discusses with Glenn Beck, if a generous incentive package for the first company to produce such a test was offered then with a cost of about $6.5 billion (which is much less than the $2 Trillion of the CARES act and even less than the cost of the Census) this plan could be executed. Once this kind of testing capability for everyone in the country was provided it could be eliminated in about a month!

If the President could review this recommendation and gave the “Go Ahead” we could be well on our way in this final phase to eliminate the virus and put America back to work again!

Deliver a Death Blow to the Virus in Weeks, Not Months or Years!

The plan is simple and Dr Epstein says that within three to four weeks after implementing it the virus would be dead!

He has published reports and recommendations on how this can be accomplished quickly! These are available in the above links.

He is active in touch with the White House, hoping this information will get President Trump’s attention and with the Task Force led by Vice-President Pence.

Glenn Beck called this “a genius idea”.

Tucker Carlson, with Fox News, in his interview with Dr. Epstein said this:

That’s such a sensible solution that its a little stunning you are the first person I’ve heard mention it. Why has this not occurred to anyone until right now?”

Stunning! Dr. Epstein however, takes no credit for himself but points to the actual case that effectively used this plan and also to the recommendations researched and drafted by the Heritage Foundation.

As Tucker asks him about a “wiser way to save American lives” he responds with the number one recommendation from this report:

The Heritage Foundation in a recent high level report made some recommendations regarding what should be done with the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Number 1 Recommendation: Test Everyone!

Test Everyone!

Dr Epstein Explains a Recommendation by the Heritage Foundation

In a nutshell: Test Everyone and Isolate only the Carriers!

Here is what happened in the small area of Italy:

Instantly transmission stopped! Paranoia Stopped!

Right now there are a few million in America that have the virus and there are about 330 million of us that do not

He explains how the rest of us – 330 million could quickly be safely out of isolation and how the virus could be killed!

In three of four weeks the virus would be dead!!!

Do we have a test capable of doing this? His reply: Almost!!!

Once we have it, distribute by the millions very rapidly!


No major initiative seems to be published to test everyone!

The president and his team are making great progress and are talking about making more tests available. This is good and it seems like the time is right for Dr. Epstein to point out the benefits of testing everyone and isolating carriers only! With the addition of these well researched recommendations to the plan we could soon see some very good results! The chart that they are hoping will make a turn downward in the number of cases and the numbers of deaths could start taking a very welcomed steep downturn!

We have come a long way in the right direction. More and more tests are being made available thanks to our President and his task force led by Mr. Pence.

If we could see a mandate and incentive for companies to build on what has been done and to develop fast self-tests needed for for 360 million of us, we could soon test everyone and quickly put this virus down completely!

The following tests are currently available

In addition to these we would need a major initiative to test everyone

The testing plans above cannot handle the load yet to accomplish this. To test 360 million people in a short period of time there needs to be a means to quickly perform a self-test or else the lines would be miles long to facilities.

To use this recommendation we would need accurate testing and quick self-testing in order to quickly isolate those with the virus and to destroy it. If it is done over a long period of time then those who test negative are prone to catching it after their negative results found.